Monday, August 29, 2011

I know most parents of teens dread their child having a boyfriend/girlfriend. But not here. This is a big day for our daughter. Her first boyfriend, and with a guy who we already consider a son. It couldn't get any sweeter.
She spent the whole weekend with him, only coming home Saturday night to sleep for a few hours. She met all his Baylor roomates, and got to spend some time with them. Then on Sunday morning, he sat her down at his house and apparently (very nervously) asked her if she'd be his girlfriend. He said he was praying for the right time to begin this new chapter, and felt God telling him that this was it. He told her it wasn't official until he asked her dads permission first. So when I got the call with the news I promised to bring him along for the 4th and final Jordan exchange in Temple that night. It was pretty simple and straightforward, but the right thing to do. I love that young man.
They stayed up late into the night adding photos and updating their status on facebook. I wasn't with Michael, but Jordan was in heaven. I've never seen her happier. However this morning, getting ready for school, in her new crazed, sleep deprived, unfocused on anything but Michael ways, she forgot her notebooks and planner and brought the wrong textbooks. I was laughing at her hysterically, with her running around in a daze. She couldn't think straight; so I decided she was in no condition to drive and drove her to ACC. 
She is now napping, trying to recover somewhat from this weekend.

He already has plans to spend next weekend here with her, lucky for them it's a 3 day weekend :)

So that's it from the wonderful world of Michael drama. No more guessing and wondering. It's official, so you can stop hearing about it for a while here. :)

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