Tuesday, October 16, 2007

for the children in Africa

stickers(they love stickers )
small toys,
math flash cards,
fat pencils,
small sharpeners,
small(space wise) educational games,
wall charts(seasons, months, Bible stories/characters,etc..),
reader books with no American themes or witchcraft(pref with African animals or children),
small hand towels,
jump ropes,
childrens Bible story books with lots of pictures,
old sports uniforms,
playing cards,
small puzzles,
8.5x11 laminating sheets
colored paper
youth/womens Bible study materials..
Christian cd's books, magazines
chocolates for the missionary families, etc..
We're taking this kind of stuff with us if you run across something you'd like to donate...


Josh Karnes said...

I wonder if they or anyone there would like some Krash Jones CDs ?

Shileen said...

I'll bring some, but I wish we had your new ones ready..