Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I DID IT! I just rode my bike to the post office and back in the middle of midday sun! This is a new exercising milestone for me. I ride a single speed heavy beach cruiser. That means all the hills were climbed by me alone. I would have been good, had I just stuck to the route. It's always the detours that kill you. You'd think I'd have learned that lesson by now. I was so close to home and I was crossing over the 183ATollway on a bridge and I saw the new bike trail that ran along 183A down to the bottom of our neighborhood. It looked like fun with a bunch of ups and downs. I figured the down hills would propel me up the hills. Not so. And THEN I get to the bottom and have to pedal all the way back up our main street. I am an idiot. I only had to stop once for rest on the way up, and some sweet old man offered me a ride, but I said no thanks I WAS going to make it. And I did. :)

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