Monday, March 31, 2014

You're gonna laugh at me, but I don't care. I had to say goodbye to an old friend today. I actually got teary eyed when I set it down by the trash can and walked away. I even came back and stared at it again and let it sink in. This thing has been around the globe with me for 10 of the most eventful, travel filled, adventurous years of my life. It has seen it all. It is broken, torn and worn out, but it did its job well and has been replaced by a pretty new one. I'm actually thinking of saving it, no that's stupid. Why am I so attached to an inanimate object?? Because of what it represents. I am such a sentimental girl.


~kristi said...

I have the shoes I wore in Africa. I would have hung on to the suitcase too:)

Shileen said...

I have mine too! Still covered in red dirt..