Friday, September 21, 2007

spiritual attack or a string of bad luck?

Ever since we returned home from vacation a couple of weeks ago, it has been a nightmare around here. We came home to a broken air conditioner during the hottest week of the year (100 degrees+). That was a miserable 3 days. My husband actually had to rewire the circuit board after replacing the melted fan motor, while in the blazing furnace of an attic we have. Then my husband and 2 kids got horribly sick and are still just finishing some antibiotics from a nasty cough following a nasty cold. Then being a total ditz I accidentally deposit a blank envelope into the ATM depository instead of the one with the check in it, but even after running inside and telling them of my error, and them making a note on my account, she said they may cancel my checking account when they receive my empty envelope. Then there's a whole string of little bad things that have happened, and now this. The other night I notice water droplets coming from the roof. It has not rained. The next day there are even more droplets and we are catching them with a water bucket now. We have a water leak. After much investigation in the still blazing hot attic my poor husband discovers that whoever installed our ac unit, failed to finish the condensation drain pipe. It has been just leaking onto the floor over our heads and accumulating for the last 6 years. It eventually got heavy enough and saturated enough to push through the drywall and spill out. So guess what that means? We have mold. And I am highly allergic to mold. I have asthma. I can't breathe. My asthma has gotten 99 percent worse since we have lived here. Now I know why. Josh is currently in there ripping apart our bedroom trying to get everything out. But we can't remove the studs that have mold on them, so I don't know what we're going to do. Those of you who live in Texas know you can't file a mold claim anymore or you'll never get insurance again. Please pray for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am wondering the same thing! We are in a very similar situation, (typing as I listen to my husband run the wet vac) ...another LEAK!