Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Change is coming, that's for sure. So might as well use this time to make some changes myself.
Today I'm changing my hair color. I'm tired of the blonde for now. It may be back next summer. Next, I'm going to start researching how to start my own non-profit organization. Then I'm going to make an extra effort to surround myself with people I don't know in an effort to change my circle of influence. Then I'm going to pack and go to Mexico for a couple of days (like in the morning). When I get back, I will continue down this path of change. I'm being forced down it by outside means and circumstances, so instead of being shoved, I will stand up and make my own new way.

Lord set before me my path. Illuminate the way in which I'm to go. Make yourself known and glorified through my life. Use me as your vessel to take hope to the world.

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