So on friday night (yes I know it's monday night) we stopped in at the church family picnic for a few minutes and one of the people we talked to is Daniel, one of our staff worship pastors. We got to talking about Africa because he gets to go next month for the Xai Xai grand opening. I was sooo jelaous as he was telling all about buying sound equipment in South Africa, then driving it cross country to Mozambique. Then getting to set it all up and just the whole process of opening the place. That would have been right up my alley. I bet some of you don't even know I used to be a sound engineer. At our old church there were 2 of us girls that rocked the board. We even had shirts made that said "sound chicks". Anyways.. that would be such an amazing fun adventure, after all the work that has been put in, what a neat way that would have been, to see it through. And I could have shot pictures! Grand opening pictures!
Anyone got that time machine made yet?? I'd like another shot at 2007-09 please.
Back to my reality, my resume has made its way throughout the city. I have applied for so much randomness, there's no telling where I'll end up.
As I was helping prepare dinner, I put some green peas in a bowl and set it down on the counter and immediately my cat Oscar jumped up and started eating them as if I had put them there just for him. He had never had them before so I scooped out a few and he ate them from my hand!! That cat is nuts, he's the only one other than me that eats peas in this house.
Tonight at the pool, I sneezed and all of a sudden the place where my uterus used to reside (hysterectomy 6 years ago) hurt like you know what. Oh wow, the pain. I don't know if I tore some scar tissue or tore something, but I was doubled over and had to get out of the water to sit down. I still am not feeling quite right.
I'm going to have some mint chocolate chip ice cream now, maybe that will make it feel better..