Thursday, July 01, 2010

Do you ever wonder about what became of someone that was once a major part of your life, or maybe just shared a piece of it, or even just an experience? I think about people who I have done life with, and wonder where they are, what their life looks like now. I wonder if they remember me. Like there was this kid Michael that lived in my neighborhood that I used to hang out with all the time, haven't seen him since high school. Or another best friend Cathy that left for the military and haven't heard from her since. Do you remember being in a relationship and thinking there is no way we will ever not be a part of each others lives? But yet, here we are. Yes, I've been listening to that song by Pink "Who Knew",and it got me thinking. There's a line in it that says, 'if someone said 3 years from now, you'd be long gone, I'd stand up and punch them out'. You never know how long someone is gonna be walking beside you, before their exit comes up and they're gone, down their own road. Do you ever wish you could know how long they'd be around? Would it change how much time you spent with them? Maybe not take them for granted? Or would that put too much pressure on a relationship? I suppose foreknowledge can really screw stuff up. There are lots of things you'd never walk into if you knew then what you knew now. But you'd miss alot of life that way.
I think losing people grows us in some twisted way..
I actually think I kinda like the mystery. Never knowing if someone will walk out of my life tomorrow, or on the flipside, someone walks in.

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