Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wow, it's been a week. And I don't just mean time wise.
*The minute J came home, she and Michael began a ginormous argument that lasted until yesterday. Way too much drama and tears.
*Hannah had finals today and is now a senior!
*Then, we went from 4 cars last week - down to 1 today. So when we get back from Paris we have to fix 2 and replace 1.
* After finally getting my new camera in yesterday I found out my main lens was broken so I had to borrow a lens for a shoot downtown today. Got the shoot done and photos edited and sent off.
*My grandmother (in New Mexico) died this morning. This was a shock, she was sounding good last time we spoke. She apparently had heart failure yesterday. I don't have any grandparents anymore.

1 comment:

~kristi said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother.