Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our pastor saw a man from our church at the airport who recently lost his pregnant wife and his 2 sons in an auto accident. He asked him how he was and how he was able to move on and live. His answer was simply - They were never mine anyway. They are God's.
That man gets it. I don't know that I would be able to grasp that concept in his situation. Our kids are His. We are here to love them, guide them, raise them, until He has other plans for them. Same goes for our lives in general. We may think we have a plan for where we should go, who we should be. But our lives are His. He can take us in a different direction merely by changing what's around us.
Every relationship I've had in the past, every mistake I've made, every seemingly insignificant decision has led me to this spot in time, right now, surrounded by these people, and has made me who I am, right now.

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