Thursday, August 29, 2013


There are so many exciting things happening at KTF. I so wish I could tell you about all the amazing things God is doing and the things He has given us. I hope that one day we can tell the story of all that He has done these last 4 months. It will be such a testimony. But for now, I guess it's just for our faith building. It seems all we can do now when we share the newest drop jaw moment is just say, wow. That is the most prevalent word in our vocabulary at the moment. If anyone ever doubted that this is a move of God, they do not now. Our work has already begun. We have jumped in all the way. Not by our choosing, but God just keeps dropping things at our door. We said we wanted to rescue these victims and now we're putting our feet in the fire. As James said last night, if you're not ready and not sure if this is where you want to be, then get out now, cause it's about to get crazy. The people we keep "coincidentally" meeting who just happen to be exactly the person we needed to meet, the directors of places we need to get in, just "happen" to sit next to us in a meeting.. The list goes on and on people.
God is so cool. So beyond cool. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it. I don't know why He chose me to come along for this ride..

Blessed Beyond all Reason

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