Wednesday, February 20, 2008

yep - it's all good

I just want to encourage YOU who are going through trials right now to keep the faith. This is going to pass, and you will make it. God does not give us more than we can handle, He knows our limits and our capabilities, but He is always pushing us further and further each time. Next year you're going to be stronger than you were this year. We are constantly growing. I know about living on the edge of who you are, where you can only rely on Him for your every step. That's a good place to be when you figure out it's not about you anymore. You've just got to let it go. I think I'm finally starting to get it. What happens tomorrow is up to Him, and we have to be ok with that. He's the creator of the universe, who am I? I'll tell you who I am. I'm a daughter of the creator of the universe. A princess who will come in and kick butt, and take names if need be to go about my fathers business. Don't stand between me and my destiny. No one is going to block my path. My God will make a way for me. Thank you Lord for victory.

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