Thursday, December 02, 2010

About to do my last shoot for Google.

My next project is trying to track down my blood type so I can see whether I'm a potential kidney donor for my mom. Going to visit the doc who did all my surgeries, then maybe the hospitals. Someone has to know.

My asthma is completely out of control. My asthma doc has tried everything, and nothing works on me. And while I'm complaining about my health, what is the deal with having to pee constantly?? I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to go like every hour during the day, at the movies we have to go super early to get the seats in the middle where I can jump over the rail to go in the middle of the movie without disturbing anyone. And I'm thirsty all the time. Though I don't drink constantly, cause when I do, I literally have to go every few minutes. The other day it was ridiculous, 5 minutes in-between !! Guess I'm no spring chicken anymore. .

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