Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hannah is going to the dr this week about her hurt hands. She hasn't been able to play piano because of pain in her wrists and hands and it's just killing her. Please join me in prayer that we would get some answers or total healing.

Soo excited for the next 2 weeks! Starting next Friday I'm working at the helipad at the airport greeting stars, ex presidents, and other wealthy types and escorting them onto our waiting helicopters. I'm told there is a whole list of celebrities and 3 ex presidents coming through my reception area. !!!!!!!!!! This is what you get to do when you're best friends with the CEO of Charlie Bravo Aviation, who happens to be the sponsored supplier for charter air travel for F1. Yep, and I knew her before she was famous. :)
Did I mention I get paid to do this?? And I get a free pair of Allens boots (they're helping sponsor our helipads)? And a jewelry collection from a local jewelry sponsor? AND I get to ride around in a helicopter to different sites, including the race site. I am so excited!

But something even better is happening Friday. MY HUSBAND comes home from Europe!!!!!!!!!!
He's been touring Nice, Paris, Munich, Helsinki, and Milan, meeting with clients. Because he's just cool like that and a total must-have hot shot if you want to sell anything at Ixia apparently. I miss him.
And ANOTHER awesome thing? My oldest daughter comes home in a week and half, and HANNAH turns 16! And I have a big birthday surprise for Josh, but I can't tell you about it yet, cause he happens to read my blog. :)  Love you baby!


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