Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I know I've mentioned before how much I adore Christine Caine and her A21 ministry. Well she was one of the speakers this weekend, as well as Charlotte Gambill. Both amazing ladies. There were so many things that really spoke to me, but the one that I feel like writing about has to do with where I have been the last 4 years. Because of my past, I have been feeling like my effectiveness in ministry was over with. Like I was disqualified, if you will. But I think it was Charlotte who talked about life being a relay race, with those people who are going before you and those coming up behind you. I dropped my baton. So what. I need to pick it back up, get back in my lane and continue the race. Seems simplistic, but it was something that I guess I really needed to hear.
To that end... I have decided to go to Greece in April with the A21 team. I asked for confirmation from God by way of delivering the money the week it was due, and He did. So I'm going. And I'm very excited about it. I haven't been on the mission field in a very long time.

I will not, only by the grace of God, screw up this second chance.

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