Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So Rick wants me to get back on meds. Wants me to try something else. Not sure how I feel about this. Something disconcerning about jacking with your brain and body chemistry. Seems better to me to just deal with the emotions you have. He says that I have healthier ones when I'm on drugs right now and that I make better choices. May be, but still, its just not natural. Which one is the real me? The one whose chemistry is jacked up and she's really moody? Or the chemically stable one on drugs?
And what causes ones body chemistry to get out of whack anyway? How could my situation have caused this? Doesn't make sense to me..
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~kristi said...

I am with you, skip the drugs if all possible. What does Josh think? Am I supposed to be commenting or just listening?

Shileen said...

Josh wants me on the meds..

Shileen said...
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Josh Karnes said...

Hey now, I never said that. That's what I get for playing "devil's advocate".

~kristi said...

hey lets plan on doing something Aug 28th, the girls have family night at the gym.