Saturday, August 29, 2009

What is it about a guy sitting down to a piano and just playing, that melts my heart?..

So on another note (haha)..
Just FYI I will not be working FULL time. Prob just 20-30 hours a week. I will still be relaunching the photo biz. I actually have 3 gigs next week! Gotta keep the right brain as active as the left. Esp cause that's where I want to end up. Hoping to learn some graphic design and editing skills to expand on what I can do with the pics I take.

I also haven't forgotten about the missions organization I have desired to begin, but that is going to have to stand the test of time. It needs to be filtered and refined to see how much of missions was flesh and how much was calling.

I am forseeing a very busy fall. I like it that way :-)
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