Wednesday, August 05, 2009


So yesterday afternoon I got in my car after lunch and my head kinda went all funky. Didn't think much of it cause I had been having a lot of dizzy spells lately. But then my brain kinda felt like I had plugged my finger into a light socket and I got real nauseated and had to go lay down in the back seat. I grabbed my phone on the way and called josh. Told him to pray fast cause I think I'm gonna pass out. Then my speech started to get funky and he immediately left work to come rescue me from this parking lot. By the time he got there I was very confused and couldn't talk right. I kept trying to talk to him on the way to the hospital but I couldn't get the words out that I wanted to. By the time we got to the ER I was kinda panicing cause I was scared, so my heart rate was elevated and I was shaking. So anyway josh carried me in and they took me back right away and assumed based on my youth that I was having a panic attack. I was so frustrated cause I still couldn't talk without stuttering so josh explained my symptoms prior to the panic but they blew him off. They did blood work and a CT scan but didn't find anything visible at that time. I seriously doubt he knew that a possible complication with my Wellbutrin I had begun 2 weeks ago is seizures. Anyway in the end he labeled it a pretty generic long name that could cover a lot of possibilities including mini stroke or mini seizure. But definitely medicine based. So he said quit taking the meds. Coming off antidepressants right now is going to be rough. I have to wean off so I'm not suicidal.
Josh won't let me drive today since he doesn't know what to expect. But that's ok cause right now he gets to go sit and watch me get my hair done :-)
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