Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My brother is in town for my other brothers wedding on friday, so tonight we got together for a family dinner down south, followed by a family talk that was long overdue. It was a good night.
Thankful today for family. They love you no matter what, just as Jesus does. He loves us through the good, bad and downright ugly. I've learned recently that this is the real meaning of love. It is not conditional, it is not based on how you feel on any given day or your circumstance. It is either born by blood or chosen, then strengthened, through time, but it does not go away.  In the same way, God will never leave us nor forsake us, because HE is love.


Josh Karnes said...

Those are the words of a different woman than the one I was married to at the beginning of 2009. :)

Shileen said...

yeah yeah, so we're all a work in progress ;)