Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What a long day. Worked for most of the day at the agency, then finally decided to go see a dr about some illness I have. I am a stubborn patient and it takes alot to get me to go in, but when Josh started to worry, I decided it was time to go. I have been having vertigo for about 3 weeks now, along with flu like aches and pains and headaches, and a low grade fever. Today the dr said I have a bad bacterial infection in my nasal cavities. Random. NOT a sinus infection he says, but a rare infectious disease that is easily fixed with strong antibiotics. Should fix all my symptoms. Well I certainly hope he is right, cause I'm tired of being sick. Plus, his diagnosis is better than what I had come up with… either mono or a brain tumor.  :)    Anyways, after that I had to go to HEB, then a quick trip home to fix dinner and throw it in the crockpot before heading to church for rehearsals. I feel like I could sleep for a week. But instead, tomorrow I'm going to help decorate the stage at church for Christmas. That should be tons o fun, no really, it will :)

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