Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hannah has inherited Josh's RayBans that he wore in high school. #1 - How on earth has he managed to not lose them? #2 - How can we be old enough to have high schoolers ourself? #3 - We are so old that these have come back in style?

This week so far.... we have shopped for headpieces and jewelry for prom, tried different hairstyles for prom, practiced makeup for... prom. (even Hannah!), gotten senior picture framed and ready for display.. at prom, and been to the final dance classes.. for prom, been round and round trying to work out everyone's transportation to and from.. prom, and prom's afterparty. Tomorrow will bring a search for a triple barrel curling iron??
I think there might be a prom coming on Friday. Hannah's 1st, Jordan's last.

Hannah got a speeding ticket in a school zone today. It was only 3:30 in front of the junior high that gets out at like 4:10 or something. No flashing lights, but apparently the sign said 3:30 and we missed it. No kids in sight anywhere, parents hadn't even started lining up yet. But no warning for her at all, just a very expensive ticket.

My Saturday CHL class was interesting. Well, actually it was pretty dull, but it was nice to hang out with some friends. We are all excellent shooters and the test was easy.

This Sunday will be my last Sunday running Camera 1 at church. Apparently I have been "promoted" to tv director for the foreseeable future in the overflow sanctuary. I haven't decided whether I'm excited about this or if I'm hurt and discouraged. A new guy who is in charge seems to think we should all grow up his perceived chain of command, assuming we all just want to be in production and we don't care where. But I didn't join media to be involved in Imag or lights or producing. I was a photographer interested in growing into tv cameras. But since I am now a grown up and I don't react in my emotional state, I didn't whine or quit. I will just keep praying and showing up until I hear God say it's time to go. IF He does.

I am so tired and my heart is so heavy and I don't even completely know why.

1 comment:

Josh Karnes said...

You know, I have lost entire guitar amps and even guitars over the last 20+ years, but somehow I didn't lose those sunglasses. Guess they were truly meant for Hannah.