Wednesday, October 10, 2012

had to add, some of these made me laugh again, for my own personal amusement

I did it. I did what I told myself I would do. I signed up for an adult ballet workshop at Ballet Austin. When I pushed the button I cringed. Not because I don't want to do it, but because I'm afraid of my body not cooperating. I spent the last hour trying to find a long torso leotard, because at 6 feet tall, I don't exactly fit into traditional one piece suits of any kind. I just bought a leotard. That sounds ridiculous. And I have to buy tights and ballet shoes. Don't laugh.  
So I'm turning 40 in December and the last two things on my pre-40 list that I haven't done yet were this, and losing 16 pounds. I'm working on that one too, because I have to actually WEAR that leotard on November 1st. YIKES!!!! OMgoodness, I have to go run now. I ran yesterday till my legs started giving out, then got onto my bike and rode. Then I came home and helped with the staircase for a while. (That project is never ending. It's like the If you Give a Mouse a Cookie book.. it just keeps on going in the wrong direction..)

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