Sunday, January 06, 2008

does anybody read this stuff?? :-)

Church was crazy busy this weekend; our overflow room was overflowing!
..ok, let's see ... Josh and Chris are recording some new worship songs for church in the other room, Hannah just got home from volleyball practice, I haven't seen Jordan in a few hours, and I'm doing homework and I have had this headache for LIKE 3-4 DAYS!! It just won't go away. And there's a little spot in the bottom right back of my head that hurts when you touch it. And my vision has been bad. (just ask Wade who was my spades partner the other night :-) )
anyway... Panama...who wants to go with us?? There will be an information meeting on the 16th at 8:30p.m. in the upper room, no commitment, just come and listen, and be open to the possibility.. you know you want to.. make the leap, it's all good over here :-)

1 comment:

Pam said...

Love your blog!!!