Monday, January 28, 2008


One thing I hate about this time of year- waking up with yet another cold. Just an annoyance. ..
Gary Chapman was funny, but didn't really learn anything new. It was good to be reminded of some stuff though, like the love languages. We already knew each others, but it's amazing how we just forget about it in the normal course of life and try to relate to each other the way WE like it. So I continue to buy him things and ask him to spend time with me, while he is busy kissing on me and hugging me, etc.. So neither one of us is communicating the way the other desires. We were laughing about it over lunch, how we so easily forget. I kind of don't like that one of mine is gifts. It seems so shallow, but the idea of someone going out of their way, spending time thinking of me when I'm not around, and using time, money and effort , just to bring me something, makes me feel loved. It doesn't even have to be something nice. A good friend of mine went in to a gas station to get something while we were in Mexico recently and brought me back a bag of sunflower seeds cause he thought I might want a snack. That made me feel loved and valued, and it only cost him 99 cents.
Quality time seems kinda girly for me, but again, the idea of someone choosing to take time from their busy schedule to hang out with me makes me feel loved.
The Africa team get together was good; but hanging out in the USA is just not the same as working side by side in Africa. I miss it. But I got to share the good news of the XAI XAI church, and several of them want to go back with me in the fall :-)

1 comment:

Josh Karnes said...

so. thanks for sharing your flu bug.