Tuesday, October 06, 2009

So I am pretty much done with training. 3 weeks later. They issued me my money today and let me at it. If u want to come visit me in the drive thru I will be working most week days from 2:30 to 6:00/6:30 ish, unless I have to work that saturday, in which case I have a random day off during the week. Bank of America at 1431 and Parmer. If u don't bank there just drive thru and wave!
One of my managers already called me ADD. As in "hey ADD, get over here..". I've been found out. But hey, I balanced at the end of my first day, so at least I'm good at being a scatter brain. I know they like me. I can tell.

On another note Josh said that I'm unforgettable. He has been proven wrong. .
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