Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Yesterday Jordan comes home from dive camp excitedly telling me of all the ways she can die and I kind of just put it out of my mind. She's happy, she's gonna be ok.
Today she comes home from diving in the lake and begins to tell me how she almost died. They were doing an exercise where they have to take off their gear and put it back on at 28 feet under. (except for their air of course)
So in the middle of the exercise Jordan's regulator breaks and her mouth is flooded with water. Since her pack is off she can't find her back up air supply and begins to panic. Since she didn't know her air was about to be cut off she had not taken a big breath or anything, so she is literally out of air. As she is frantically searching the water and is running out of oxygen because she has none coming in, the instructor notices something is wrong and immediately identifies that she's not breathing and shoves his extra regulator in her mouth and yanks her to the surface. When he found her gear that had floated away he saw her regulator with a piece completely broken off. He was in shock because he says that NEVER happens. She thanks him for saving her life and they Go Back DOWN!
Jesus thank you for being there today and everyday of her long career. Please give me peace!
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( a few hours later ) - ok, I'm calm now. I promise. It's all good. I asked God, what's up with this? He says he's just teaching her. Makes sense, it's a safe environment, well... comparatively I guess, considering there is one instructor for every 2 students.
..breathing deeply..
I have always told my kids to not be afraid. If it's your time to go be with Jesus, you're gonna go, doesn't matter what you're doing. Now I get to practice what I preach.

1 comment:

~kristi said...

ugh. I guess it is good she went back out instead of living in fear.