Monday, July 09, 2012

OK, we are home.
The last 2 weeks I have been having these horrible headaches that were always preceded by a near fainting episode. The first time it was kinda weird but I didn't think anything of it, until it started happening every day. Then several times a day. My dr evaluated me, did lab work, and then sent me to a cardiologist who had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours, did an echocardiogram, and then deemed my heart fine, but sent me for a stat brain scan. Which we found out was clear-no tumors. Needless to say that was a stressful week. Then we left for vacation with no answers, but glad that it wasn't the worst. These "episodes" continued the way down to the coast, but gradually quit while at the beach. Hmmmm, I knew I was made to live on the beach..
And then yesterday, almost the minute we drove over the bridge back to the mainland(and away from the moist,salty air) it started coming back. So I popped a few advil and thought nothing of it, but it didn't go away, it only grew worse. I took some more advil and decongestants. Still no improvement. Took aspirin as well. By the time we got home it had been 6 hours nonstop headache. I was ready to hurt someone. I went to my dark closet with an icepack and cried. Josh found me sometime later and declared we were going to the ER. I talked him down to minor emergency. All this to say I am now on antibiotics and narcotics, and it has stopped for now. We think that after all this trouble it may just be a sinus infection in my head. Or it could be migraines, I don't know yet, but either way the drugs have lessened the pain for now, and I'm hopeful.
Sorry for not typing this sooner, if you've ever had a seriously bad headache you understand how doing anything at all is just too painful. I didn't even go to work last week. And at the beach I was on vacation, no computers.

All the beach photos are on Jordan's camera and she is at WORK! Yes, she actually got a job at Michael's parents nursing home. And Petsmart even called while we were at the beach and she has an interview there on Wednesday. She's pretty excited.
Gotta start cleaning and unpacking..

1 comment:

~kristi said...

I am so sorry. I was wondering what it could be, and yes have had the headaches but mine were always b/c of birth control/hormones imbalance. I guess it is time to move near the beach!