Friday, December 28, 2012

Michael Heath:
"Update on my mom - The last few days have been really hard. After her cardiac arrest on Christmas morning she had to be stabilized. She has been on life support since then. The list of things that have gone wrong goes on and on and on... every hour there is a new thing. She has multi-organ failure, broken ribs from CPR, is drowning from fluid in her lungs, she's bleeding internally, is heavily sedated and confused from ammonia that can't leave her system, and has now gotten an infection of VRE aka 'the Super Bug'. The doctors said they can keep her alive indefinitely, or until the super bug kills her, but... there comes a point when we have to ask if she would want to live like this. 

My brothers and my fathers have given the ok for a Code 2 level of care. This means that is she goes into another cardiac arrest or something else, then the doctors will do what they can but will not save her at all cost. Code 3 is palative care which will be to take her off of life support and comfort her into death.

The only thing that can save my mom now is a miracle straight from God. Thank you for your prayers."

1 comment:

~kristi said...

Wow, praying for peace, comfort and wisdom.