Sunday, December 30, 2012

update from Michael Heath:
"News on my Mom - Over the last three days my mom has improved dramatically. She looks much worse but her stats are nothing short of miraculous. Thank you everyone for the prayers! And please keep them coming.

They have pulled over 22 pounds of liquid off of her which has allowed her to breath easier and plan to take another 10-15 pounds off. In addition to this they have lowered her oxygen on the ventilator to 80 percent instead of 100. They have also taken her off of 'pressors' which increase blood pressure. Her blood pressure maintained a safe level through it all.

The VRE was re-tested and has completely disappeared. They believe it was a contaminated petri dish. The current samples have been growing for over 24 hours with no sign of VRE whatsoever.

The doctors are talking about getting her back on regular dialysis and are planning on how to bring her mental state back. Before this happens they want her off of the ventilator completely and want her blood pressure to stay the same. Specifically pray that her encephalopathy, swelling and other problems in her brain, goes away and that she can tolerate all that she needs to to come back to us.

The doctors are astounded and using the words 'better', 'tomorrow' and 'next week'. Please keep praying that God will save my mother. All of these things could kill her if her body does not handle it and even if her body heals she could be brain dead. Please keep praying. Thank you all!!! God can do anything."

Because of this great news, they're coming home to visit tomorrow!


~kristi said...

Praise God.
On a side note, you are the ONLY girl I know who would get a Kate Spade and set of samurai swords in the same week and be elated about both.

Shileen said...

LOL! That's hilarious..