Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just kidding. Kind of.
I am IN bed.
Just saw the forecast for my girls weekend at the beach. Rain. Yep. That's cool, I'm packing a blender. We can sit on the balcony and watch the rain and drink fruity drinks and talk and laugh and cry and laugh and eat junk. Then run and dance in the rain, on the beach. Actually sounds pretty awesome. We leave friday morning, wanna come?
Looks like my hair color poll didn't work out so well. It's a tie. And I know I have a lot more than 8 readers so most of you must not have an opinion on the matter. I know, what does it matter in the grand scheme of things right? I get that. Just trying to get a little interaction from my readers out there. All I get is this number at the end of the day but it doesn't tell me who you are. Kind of strange not knowing who I'm talking to every day. All I know for sure is my family and a few friends who post comments every now and again. But those only account for a very small percentage of my regular readers. How do I know what you guys want to know about? Do u want updates on my life? My emotional state? Or what I'm doing at that moment? Or do u miss the old days of the encouraging missions posts and inspirations of days long ago when I was a young naïve idealist?
I'm sure not many appreciate all the random song quotes of late. But I love those. They make me happy and are memories for me.
I will take happiness where I can find it. Sometimes joy is elusive to me now. But when I find it, I no longer take it for granted or hide it.
My new life theme - 'It's not about happiness, it's about Holiness', is true, but that doesn't mean you can't find both some of the time.

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