Monday, September 20, 2010

Today was pretty uneventful. I started job number 2 at the travel agency. I have a huge learning curve to get through there, but it's going to be fun.
I filled out a ton of paperwork for the Google job that I still don't have. They are now doing a DMV report, extensive background check, job history check, drug screen, lie detector test, ok I'm kidding about that one, but you'd think I was joining the CIA or something! And I still don't even know if I have it! They will get results and my full work up then do a phone interview this week if they still want me after finding all of my felony convictions (again, kidding).
Then, if I get the green light on Thursday 'ish', supposedly I am then booked on a flight out of here on Sunday for training that begins on Monday in Cali.
So now we wait. And pray that there isn't another Shileen Karnes out there getting into all sorts of trouble with the law. As opposed to my kinda trouble ;)
On a completely different topic, I have taken up cooking. I used to do it occasionally, but it was mainly Josh or take out. But for some reason I finally have taken an interest in it, and I'm having fun! I've actually been using my crock pot alot on busy days, and we haven't eaten out in over a week! This is huge for me. I've never been very Betty Crockerish. But my family and friends seem to really be enjoying my creations :)
If I start dressing bad or you see me buy a doily, somebody please just shoot me.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay! You're cooking! I will be the first to stop you buying a doily (as if we even know where to buy one!)