Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So the way we shoot these businesses, is kinda like in zones. And we can't move to the next one until this one is done. Well since I finished quickly I was assigned to go do this particularly bad section of East Austin that no one had done yet. Yesterday afternoon I did a preliminary drive thru to check it out, then went back this morning. I wasn't there half an hour before I was in tears. Scared. I stop my car to check my map, and I'm approached. Don't know what they were selling, but I didn't want any. And the place they wanted me to start with had drug dealers or gang members on every corner. Right. And I'm supposed to wave around this expensive camera equipment on a tripod and NOT get hassled? I think not. I even saw a prostitute! In the middle of the day! There are people just roaming the streets, watching my every move. So I refused the zipcode and left. If they fire me it's their loss. My stats are superb according to my lead. But there's just no reason to put myself in harms way to shoot these places. I mean, I know I could die on the west side just like the young man who was hit by a car and killed while putting out church signs on Sunday morning. I mean I work in traffic every day. It's a risk. But why on earth would I willingly triple my risk and go against my instinct to not stop my car? They're currently discussing my situation in California while I calm myself down and take an extra long lunch.
I'll let you know what happens.
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p.s. Just found this , the murder took place a few miles south of where I was ..
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