Sunday, January 09, 2011

Everyone around here is sick. Either allergies or oral surgery pain (Josh had a wisdom tooth pulled Wednesday), or both in his case, or just the winter crud. Jan-March is definitely my least favorite season.
Jordan had to break a dear friends heart when he confessed his feelings for her last night. They have been good friends for years, ever since they met in theatre a few years back. The boy, C***** was cool about it, but still Jordan felt real bad, like Really bad, but as we've told her, this likely won't be the last time she's gonna have to reject a guy. Gonna have to toughen up a bit to survive these drama years.
In other, unrelated, sad news, Michael returned to Baylor for the semester. :(
We will ALL miss him. Jordan especially. It was so good having him around all the time this holiday season.
He is such a good boy.

This afternoon I'm having lunch with friends Isaac and Carol Williams who are here visiting from Africa. They pastor Healing Place church in Mozambique. When I saw them at church this morning, it was the first time I'd seen them on American soil.
I miss Africa.

Sent from my iPhone

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