Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Jordan was in another little wreck. She was backing down our steep driveway and there was a car parked across the street that she backed right into. I am really not looking forward to the quote that is coming to add her to our insurance policy. 2 wrecks in the last year. :(  Not gonna be pretty. But at least no one was injured either time. That's all that matters. Money is just money. There just never seems to be enough of it around here.
Which is why I'm back on the job hunt. I am starting back at the travel agent job on Monday, but that is very part time for now, so I need another part time. Once again, any leads are appreciated.
So I didn't make any New Years resolutions. Because.. I'll just break them. One doesn't change just because of the day. Instead I try to get better every day so that by the end of the year I kinda improved and met goals, just a little bit backwards.
I am praying that 2011 is our year of financial freedom. That is my goal.
We really need our back taxes paid off, and I want to go to Hawaii :)
Oh, and Jordan also needs a car.
(completely unrelated but interesting none the less; she's currently off on a pseudo date with Michael. ((they went to the movies)) shhh. don't tell her I told you..)

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