Saturday, January 22, 2011

* The famous and talented Jaclyn put some highlights back in my hair today. First step on the road back to blonde.
* Currently watching the cousins wrestle on the floor at my in-laws.
* Having a birthday party for René in her suite at the ice hockey arena on Monday night. I need to order a cake and get some flowers and stuff..
* The girls and I looked at hundreds of wedding dresses today in magazines and online. Premature? Yes. Fun? Of course.
* I love my skinny jeans. I live in them.
Yes, I'm 38. Deal with it.
* I am currently looking for some mustard colored pumps for spring.
* I really want a piña colada smoothie right now. Or a piña colada... on the Mexico. Yeah, that sounds good.
* Jordan now has 2 little girls in her lap playing a princess game on her phone. Hannah is playing piano. Josh is talking about shoes? with his brother. Their parents are in the kitchen. Me? I'm typing. Duh.
* Dinner is ready, gotta go.

Sent from my iPhone


amy said...

randomness- I live fot it! Thanks for reminding me of its life giving qualities- love you!

amy said...

live FOR it lol!