Wednesday, February 23, 2011

blog brain dump time

*Well I still don't know if I got the G**gle job yet, but I had to sign a boat load of papers today for them, including an NDA, and temp employees code of conduct, so something tells me I may be working for them again. If it's anything like last time I'll know a couple of days before I leave. They have a blogging rule I have to follow, but I can't read what it is because the link doesn't work. Maybe I need to come up with some code words that are untraceable by the G monster :)
*Josh's last day at Crossroads is Friday, and even though he quit his job, they're throwing him a going away lunch at ZTejas. They really like him there and it says alot that they're honoring him as he's leaving. Very proud of my husband for his superb reputation. I hope Anue appreciates what they're getting. I think they do, they've been pursuing him for 18 months..
*Chase broke up with his girlfriend, so he's been hanging out with us again :) I'm glad, I've missed him. While he was otherwise attached, we never saw him. Don't get me wrong, I want to see him in a good relationship, but she wasn't the one.
*There is a chance that I will get to go to Tahiti in May for a travel agent learning conference. If my boss gets in, I will probably go along. I would learn a ton, and hello, who doesn't want to go to TAHITI?!
*Josh and I have been invited to go to the Spurs game Friday night in a suite that Mat Harris has for the night.
*Spoke to an old friend tonight for a moment, and I realized just how much time has passed. Time changes alot of things, including relationships. When you're in a growing and changing season you kind of feel like an alien in your own skin sometimes. Someone thinks they're saying hello to you, but you're just not that person anymore, and you kinda wanna say, hey Shileen's not here anymore, I live here now. Nice to meet you. Then there are other old friends I see, and nothing has ever changed. The way you feel about them transcends time, and you feel that they instinctively know where you are and who you are without having to even explain it.  They may not be in your day to day life anymore, but you know they're there, and they care. I love those people. Alot. I hope you all know who you are.

My laptop is dying, and I don't want to go find the cable right now, so I'm gonna go. I pray that God blesses each one of you tomorrow in a new and surprising way. I pray that He speaks to you and you will know His voice when he does.
Love you

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