Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I've been laid up in bed all day. This cold I have been fighting all week finally took me down. I have watched 3 movies on my laptop, thanks to Netflix online. :)
Josh's lunch interview went very well. He's going in tomorrow or Friday for a final interview. They said they will likely make him an offer Monday morning, provided all goes as expected. The only question is whether Josh will take it. The hours would be longer, and he would have to travel overseas once a quarter, and domestically once a month. So the money is going to have to be significantly more to make it worth it. (His job now is pretty low key and flexible with working from home.) He has a minimum dollar figure in mind, and if they don't meet it, then he'll just say no.
Hannah is playing keyboard for the first time tonight in youth. I'm so proud of that girl. Gonna watch her on livestream.
I'm running camera 1 all services again on Sunday. I tried to say no to some of them, but Matt, the boss, was persistent. He says I am "doing REALLY well at it", and wants me there all day. Seemingly until the end of time.      What on earth did they do before I started??      I guess it is nice to be needed again.

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