Friday, February 11, 2011

Today was a very good day.
It all started on Sunday. Well, more like New Years. (I declared this was going to be our year of financial freedom, and was going to pray for this until it came about.) Well on Sunday, Celebration started the 21 days of prayer and fasting event and had everyone list their prayer requests so we could all agree together for the needs during this time. So I put in our financial need and we started praying, and fasting(Josh). Less than one week later and then today happens. Josh got his job. They gave him more than what he was asking for. And then the Google rep called me like an hour later and asked if I would be interested in another 1-2 month assignment. This time I'd fly out to Cali, grab a Google car, and drive it back here, do an update of Google Maps in Austin (streetview), then drive it back! Um, yes! What a great job. And I'd be done by summer, so I can spend time with the kids over break. Also if I have kidney donating surgery in the Spring, I wouldn't have to be on my feet during recovery, just driving around in a car for work.
I didn't even ask for this job, it was handed to me. (Well I haven't gotten it yet, he just wanted to put my name on the interested list if I was indeed interested.) The way this week is going though, I'm pretty certain I will.
To God be the glory!      I can't comprehend the love He has for us.

Then, as if 2 new jobs didn't make my day good enough, I found a red leather laptop bag at Ross for $20!! I had been looking for one for a while because I use my laptop at the travel company. Bonus!

The only downside to today was my poor Jordan. She had some weird blurred vision thing this morning followed by headaches. She begged me to take her to her marine biology class so she could dissect a stingray, so I let her go, and right after class we went in to the dr's office and spoke with a nurse, and they wanted to see her today. So we went back in later and they did a basic neuro exam and found no problems. She said it might have been a migraine, even though the headache wasn't that bad. But she wasn't quite sure. She was a little concerned, but said there wasn't really anything they could do unless it happened again. And if it does, take her to the ER so they can scan her head to make sure there's no stroke or tumor or anything.  I know God is in control. I've had to let go of worry over Hannah as well, since her seizure like activity. I just can't be with them 24/7. At some point you just have to let go and trust God. This has been hard this year. Especially with Jordan driving all over the place by herself these last few months. Just have to release them to God's care. As hard as it is to imagine, He loves them even more than I do.

Tonight we went out to dinner to celebrate and feast.

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