Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Randomness pt. 2

I don't like being cold. I've been home since 2:30 and I still have on 3 layers and a scarf. It just doesn't get very warm in the lower level of our house.
I am dreaming of Mexico and Central America, and all the places I've been there. The heat. The sun. The beaches. Piña Coladas with pink umbrellas in them. Crystal blue water. The smell of sunscreen. The smell of my coconut body lotion. The sand. Oh my, I totally want to be there. But alas, it is 17 degrees and I'm here.

I used to be pretty fearless. But now I have fear. And I don't like it.
I'm afraid of this blank page. I'm afraid of what I might say.

I'm becoming an introvert. Or maybe I always was one..

I'm going to a new book study group tomorrow. Why am I doing this?? Because I was asked? Why did I say yes? Maybe it's because it's what I want, to want to do. Does that make sense?

I am pursuing contentment.
I am chasing peace.
I am longing for satisfaction.
I am yearning for rest.
I am hoping for joy.

Sent from my iPhone

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