Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hi, my name is Shileen. I think we may have met. I blog here on occasion, how about you? Lurker? Occasional commenter? Oh, hi, nice to meet you. Sorry I haven't done much with the place, been really busy. Well, not really.
2 more days till Josh comes home. I'm kinda used to him not being here. I am actually functioning just fine. That's probably a sign that he's been gone too long. Ok, so I"m functioning, but not really functioning. I'm depressed and not getting much done. I came across this '40 bags in 40 days' list and I started following it. Basically each day you get rid of a bag of stuff from 1 of the 40 locations listed in your home. I have been wanting to clean and declutter like I mentioned last time, and this may be a good tool for me. Maybe I should shorten it to 2 a day in 20 though, cause really, I need my house clean before 40 days. Today I just did 1 room, cause I hadn't thought of the 2 in 20 yet...Wanna join? Go clean out your laundry room. Take a trash bag and some clorox wipes. Go! Don't think, just do.
Now for a picture sentence..
I wish this were my bathroom

and this dress was in my closet

then I would eat this cake..

as I was getting on a plane to go to this spot in Italy.
The End.

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