Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm sad and lonely. Hannah is at internship, Jordan's at the pool with friends. I wanna go to the pool with friends... but don't have any (without a job or little ones.). Josh is at work. Grocery shopping is done. Bills are done. I could clean, but who wants to do that..
I NEED A JOB!!!!!! I could be paying off our huge bills right now if I were working... Why is it so difficult to find one????
Submitted Jordan's application for dual credit classes at ACC. Right after I really thought I was going to vomit. Not sure why, but part of me knew it was an end of an era, and the beginning of a new one. I guess it just hit me. As if driving, SAT prep and college visits weren't enough. I just don't feel old enough for this yet. I still feel like a college kid playing house.
Ordered some boxing/catcher mitts for Josh so I can box more frequently than I see my trainer. Love it. Love that he agreed to it :-)
We can't leave town until August when the internship and youth conference is over. Thinking about going to northern California. Road tripping. See the Grand Canyon on the way..
I'm so used to my iphone capitalizing and punctuating for me, that when I type on my desktop keyboard I have to keep backspacing to fix my errors. And funny enough when you hit the space bar twice, it just does 2 spaces! Instead of a period! I am spoiled. I have to have the iphone 4! The camera features rock. And switching between apps?! Yes.
Last night we played Risk for the first time as a family. Yikes. We are all too competitive for that game. It got out of control, especially once we wiped Josh off the board completely. Since the game never seems to end, after 3 hours, we conceded that Hannah got first and I got second. Cause she was definitely king of the world.
Hey, I just wasted 5 minutes! Now only 6 more hours until Josh gets home from work and practice :-(
Then we watch the Celtics (hopefully) win the Championship. Then no more basketball until next year. YAY!!

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