Friday, June 18, 2010

Sorry, was too busy to post yesterday. Went to the luncheon, for some reason unbeknownst to me, just felt I should go. Met a nice new lady that may turn out to be a friend, we shall see. But the message on the importance of real friendship really was upsetting. It's still a very fresh wound I suppose. Some of you so called friends are just plain hurtful. You say we are friends when asked, but you sure don't behave that way. Do you have any idea what I go through just to come say hello to you? It requires swallowing my pride and risking great injury. Time after time I do it. Do you ever? When was the last time you came to me?? Or invited me somewhere? This year has been humiliating for me, yet some of you people are continuing to make it worse. Either be my friend, or don't. A girl with a broken heart can only take so much.
My old bff, whom Josh has banned from my life, texted me after hearing the same message last night, and he was a bit ticked at me that she even knew my new number, not to mention that she was texting me. She obviously felt the same way after the message that I did.The whole thing is just depressing so lets move on..
Had a workout with my trainer, then had another dinner party for our favorite young men (aka, my girls adopted big brothers) then we all watched game 7. Boo Lakers.
I never heard back from the company that sounded interested, and they took the ad down, so I guess they hired someone. There are sooo many people looking for a job these days. I wish I could put my resume in video form, so I could talk to them and they could see my personality, as opposed to just ink on a page.
Back on the hunt..


Heather said...

You could send a BizGreet video.

As for the friend thing, I didn't hear the message but I can tell you are a great friend. If people have an issue with you because of what you've done, they need to look inward and ask themselves if they are above sin, of any king, not just sexual sin. The answer is no. I wonder how many of those people have actually done what you've done but we just don't know about it.
I am humbled by your friendship, your honesty and transparency.

I love you not in spite of what you've done BUT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH AND HOW YOU'VE HANDLED IT.

Shileen said...

Aww Heather, thanks. You are a great friend too, and I am so grateful for you

Amy said...

Hey girl,
I am once again so saddened by the pain in your "voice". I have not been through what you have been this last year, but in a completely different way my world has been turned upside down and i have truly learned who my friends are, there are few. I think people indentify themselves by their associations and to some degree when their situations became ugly or far too like their own, or the relationship might require some work- they bail!! So ultimately when you come to a place where you truly need your friends, few remain. I love you girl, I have learned so much about you and our friendship in the last few years and my only wish is that I would have invested more time with you while I was there. You ARE are true friend and you get it, I guess that's the good news- when you are treated like crap you know how NOT to treat people and the hope is that it breaks the cycle for someone. Hope to see you soon!

again- LOVE you tons!

Shileen said...

Thanks Ames,
I will never forget, nor take for granted, those of you who have stood beside me.
Love u girl