Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm still here. It was a rough weekend. The pain has gone down in intensity, it's the side effects of the meds that are bothering me. I had to switch to a different drug on Saturday because the world wouldn't stop spinning. This new one is better, but still not pleasant. I'm afraid it may not be enough though, cause he said the pain would be gone after 3 days and it's not.  Side effect of switching drugs mid course maybe? Going to finish this round before worrying about it.
God is in control, not me.

Random facts:
*Ok, so on our girls cruise in March we(Jordan and I) are doing a dolphin swim. I'm kinda excited about that.
*I am so thankful for my husband.
*Here in ATX, I think we have decided to skip winter.
*I am so thankful my new crockpot arrived. I will celebrate today by making a roast.
*I got a bunch of Carnival "schwag" when we went to visit the Magic Inaugural in Galveston, and well, I didn't want it, it's a bunch of useless crap with their logo on it taking up space in my closet. So I decided to sell it on ebay. Oh MY!! These people love that stuff! I sold all of it and made like $120! Makes me want to see what else I can dig up.
*I am so thankful for a good nights sleep last night. Sometimes it's the little things..

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