Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My beloved crockpot bit the dust. When I went to put dinner in this morning before heading to work, I found a huge crack in the pot. Boo. I use this bad boy several times a week. They just don't make them like they used to. This was crockpot number 2 in my home. The first one lasted a very long time, this one only 2 years. Oh well, new one is already ordered and on the way. Can't do without it.

Did I seriously just blog about a crockpot?? When did I become Betty freakin Crocker??
What is happening to me ?!?

In other news, Josh will be boarding a plane in just a few hours for his journey home  :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Luttrell said...

I crockpot ALL THE TIME. I have the best recipe book called fix it and forget it lightly...lovely book. Yeah for returning hubbies!