Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Had lunch with Rene, beating up Mike in a few, but had a few minutes to spare so I, for some unknown reason, started looking at my blog posts from last summer and fall. Wow, there's not enough money in the world to pay me to relive that year. It is a true miracle of God I am even standing today. So many of my 'friends' really let me down. Big time. They still are. It is very heart breaking. I hope I am never that friend who lets my friends down. I know, I know, people will always let you down at some point, but there are still choices to be made when push comes to shove. You either stand with them or sit back and join the gawkers. I recently went out of my way to wish an old friend happy birthday and was completely ignored. No reply. That's just wrong, I don't care who you are. What happened to human decency? I don't think most people value real relationships anymore. It's like they just don't care; until tragedy arises and suddenly they need some help. Then you reap the rewards of what you've built, or you stand alone. I have made the effort this year to build solid relationships with people I think I will do life with for the rest of my days. I don't ever want to be standing alone again. I think I'm a pretty decent friend to have. I almost always say yes to the 'let's go do something' text, and I show up when I say I'm going to, and I don't have to settle for anything less in a relationship. I'm done worrying with those who don't have the time to reply to my questions, or don't respond to comments, or who flat out ignore you. It's just not worth it anymore. Those one sided relationships where I have to always be the pursuer are flat out exhausting. Plus, those people won't be there when you need them, so why should I waste my efforts.

Sorry to rant, but it's my blog and I can do whatever I want :-)

p.s. check out Cheryl's blog, she and her husband pastor the Oasis Church. She mentioned me :-)
cheryl williams


~kristi said...

i really like you. I like your realness, wish i could do it sometimes.

Shileen said...

I like you too Kristi, I wish we could hang out more. :-)

I don't understand what you mean about the realness though, and you wish you could? I guess I just don't know how to be any other way..

Cheryl said...

Well said my friend.