Sunday, March 06, 2011

I. am. tired.  13 hour travel day. Shouldn't have been. Got to the airport at 7am, didn't get into my room till 8pm, your time.
I did have a nice surprise this morning. I was sitting in the airport and up walks a coworker from the last Google assignment. And then another one walked up! I was so excited, they were both coming with me for the same job. So I won't really be solo all week. Just caravanning.  :)   Anyways, first flight to Phoenix was uneventful, but then our one hour layover turned into a 2 hour weather delay, then nearly 3. Then in flight a man near me starts coughing up a lung and can't breath. So the flight attendants spent the whole flight giving him oxygen from a tank and asking if his left arm hurt, and watching him like a hawk. He looked rough. When we landed we all had to wait for the EMS crew to come get him off the plane. Then our shuttle driver had to wait on just one more person.. even so much as to circle back after we had left the airport, to go back and pick up someone else. THEN.. get to the hotel and our rooms aren't ready, so we go out to eat at a nice little Italian joint we all remembered from the fall. Get back, and mine is STILL not ready. The front desk guy closed the front desk and went to locate the maid on property to get her to clean a room for me.       But now I am here and am going to bed.   Thankful for safe travels, and grateful for old friends to go the journey with me.
Love you all

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