Monday, August 09, 2010

Had lunch with my mama today. She rocks. Thank you for all your help :-)
Going to Hamilton pool tomorrow with Michael and the girls. Also trying to plan another short, little beach getaway before school starts in a few weeks. All the hotels are like half price once public school starts. This summer just flew by without time, or money really, for a vacation. I told them next summer will be different. Hawaii. If I'm working full time all year, then we should be able to pay for it :)
On Wednesday I'm going to go take my typing and spelling test for UT employment. I'm pretty sure I'll ace the spelling, but the typing? Not so much. I'm a 6 finger typist.
I've been having my very weird vivid dreams again this week. Last nights involved not being able to find Hannah in a mall hotel, and having to carry out all my laundry, piled up to my head, while looking for her. Then throwing it all in the car and sitting down on the sidewalk to watch a parade that occurred in the middle of the night. There were 2 floats that I saw, and both were two huge barns. Like 5 story giant barns, with the ends cut off so you could see every level and the people in them. The first one was full of Celebration families, the second one had David and his son. VERY weird. They stopped their barn to talk to me, and I got mad because I thought I was going to get in trouble. Then I woke up.
I wish I could remember the previous nights, but you know how they're gone like the minute you wake up if you don't tell someone? This morning I was deliberate about telling myself so I could try to remember. I will try tomorrow too.
gotta run

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