Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The kids started One Day Academy today. Already have tons of homework. Finally was able to find a place for Jordan to take the PSAT. That's a relief. Also found dates for her SAT and ACT. Gonna be alot of testing going on this year.
I have been scheduled to run camera in Classic svc again. Only this time I'm camera 1, and as of now there is no camera 2. No pressure. Guess I must have done well last week. It's way more different from still photography than I thought. Much higher stress atmosphere and constant change and motion. But I like it.
I sat for an hour or so today in Josh's office while waiting to
pick up the kids. (I was submitting more resumes on my laptop) Anyways, I overheard several conversations with his co workers, and let me tell you, THAT GUY is SMART!! I consider myself an intelligent woman, but I didn't understand half of what he was saying! It was rather impressive. Intelligence is always attractive. I would 1000 to 1 rather be friends with someone who is either brilliant or passionate about what they do. (Josh is both). Clueless, lukewarm, or flatline personalities are of no interest to me.
Neither are pessimists. I need positive people in my life. Friends who hold me up and push me to better myself. Those who, by their very presence, encourage greatness.
What I REALLY need... Is to go to bed. GN
Sent from my iPhone

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